Larry Katanyoleka, Digital Health Consultant
By the time I reached out to Stephanie I was uncertain about how to position my job search having recently received my Master’s degree. I had an idea of the industry I wanted to get into, but didn’t know how to break into the U.S. market. I also needed help tailoring my resume and cover letters to job requirements, learning best practices for interviewing and networking.
Working with Stephanie boosted my confidence in all aspects of the job search - from targeting cover letters and resumes to job postings to the mock interviews in preparation for the actual interviews. She helped me target my search to jobs I was competitive for and helped me optimize my LinkedIn profile which started attracting views from recruiters. I was surprised by the amount of recruiters that reached out through LinkedIn after improving my profile.
The weekly sessions worked well for inspiration and responding to any challenges during the search. Stephanie was available to answer any questions I had and was accessible through various channels of communication (email, LinkedIn,and phone). She promptly responded to my requests for guidance every step of the way throughout the various job interviews.
I was able to land my current position and generally get better at interviewing for jobs. I’m able to take these skills with me for future job searches.
I had been looking for a job for a few months. My resume was working and getting the attention of hiring managers, and I had several interviews but no job offer. It was stressful and damaging to my self-esteem. I realized I needed help with my interviewing skills.
I applied for a job I really wanted and needed professional help to prepare for the interviews. That’s when I contacted Stephanie. Over three mock interviews, I worked with Stephanie on targeted questions related to the job description along with behavioral questions.
I was grateful for Stephanie’s help reaffirming my professional skills and restoring my confidence. She helped me understand the structure of interviews from the perspective of a hiring manager and gave me the tools to communicate my technical skills and experience without hesitation.
I had a successful interview and was hired for a position I consider my dream job.
Viktoria Shalaginova, Grants Manager
Jacques César, Executive Director
I had been applying to many jobs for months and had a few interviews, but without success. As a result, I was feeling anxious and somewhat discouraged. I needed help with my interviewing skills. Through mock interviews, Stephanie provided tips on how to respond effectively to different types of questions, and gave me guidance on what questions to ask the interview panel to help me give more detailed and targeted responses.
She even helped me with guidance on salary negotiations even though I hired her for interview prep only.
The preparations boosted my confidence, and I was able to successfully complete a rigorous four-stage interview process for an Executive Director position at a non-profit.
After a few months of dipping my toes into the job search, I realized I needed to overhaul the way I went about the entire process. I needed help with the motivation, the staying on task, and the goal setting. It's easy enough to throw your resume into the abyss five times per week, but doing that, plus follow-ups, networking, and research, takes an outside force of accountability.
The most surprising advice was about networking during the job search. Stephanie encouraged me to reach out to people connected to the jobs I applied to, which got my application in front of hiring managers.
The mock interview session came at just the right time, and all the sessions leading up to that helped pave the way through the interview process (networking, job search, and employer research).
I felt much more confident during salary negotiations with her guidance every step of the way.
Stephanie provided great one-on-one communication through sessions, email, and text. My expectations of the Professional Prime program, Stephanie's guidance, and the job search in general, were wildly exceeded.
In just over six weeks, I had multiple interviews and landed a great job in under two months! I learned so much through the program that I will – without a doubt – take with me throughout my career.
Nick Geer, Brand Manager
It was a very confusing time in my life. I had recently received my U.S. work permit, and I needed help defining my next steps and understanding what a competitive salary was in my field in California.
I thought that I already had a good resume and LinkedIn profile, but now I see that I definitely needed help to improve them. Stephanie completely revised my resume and LinkedIn profile so that is was easy to see how I contributed to company growth through my work. I now have numerous recruiters contacting me on LinkedIn on a regular basis because my profile is coming up in more of their search results. She also showed me how to use LinkedIn to network and within a week of one session, I had two interviews scheduled with top companies in my field. She also coached me on how to answer certain interview questions with more confidence.
Not only did I get the job I wanted, but I was offered significantly more in salary than I was expecting. It was great to have a very clear structure and strategy. I didn't know what steps to take or in what order and she made it super easy for me. Her communication style is clear, motivational, and empowering. Working with Stephanie definitely exceeded my expectations!
Jimena Mulvaney, Sr. CX & EX Specialist
I had gone through a few interviews and I wasn't able to get an offer. It began to impact my self-esteem. While I was secure in my current position, the stagnation of my career was also beginning to weigh heavily on me emotionally. It had been more than 10 years since I last searched for a job and it became clear that I needed help with my interview skills.
Through mock interviews with The Confident Interviewer intensive, Stephanie showed me how to talk about my experiences in a way that demonstrated how I would help the company operate better and grow, and she taught me how to pivot the interview when asked about skills gaps.
Not only did I land a job at a premier media and entertainment company, but I was offered a position one level higher than I initially interviewed for.
Stephanie’s help certainly exceeded my expectations from the standpoint of exactly how much I needed to improve my interviewing skills.
Victor Nolasco, Sr. Media Manager
I was absolutely burnt out and overwhelmed by the job search process. I had been looking for jobs for over a year and just felt lost. I was exhausted by the process, tired of trying and eager to leave my current situation.
I wanted help finding good jobs and guidance sifting through the insane amount of listings that are out there, and needed help honing in on what I actually wanted to do and support figuring out what opportunities might even exist. I also needed accountability support and someone to bounce ideas off of that weren’t just my partner, family, or friends.
Stephanie was incredibly helpful on so many levels! She gave me tools and guidance to manage every situation. Even though I felt I was already a good "networker" she took my network building to a whole new level, opening doors and ideas along the way.
I especially appreciated the guidance on resumes, my LinkedIn profile, and cover letters. Stephanie made clear structure and goals for our sessions, but also remained flexible to dealing with things that mattered most to me. She gave clear, constructive, and kind feedback and held me accountable in a supportive way.
I got a new job!!! But even more important, I am excited about this new position and did not have to settle with something mediocre.
Maddie Morales, Food Systems and Operations Specialist
Schedule a free 30-minute job assessment and consult. I’ll personally review your resume and job postings. There's no pressure or obligation. Really.